Monday, November 12, 2007

What a good long weekend

I took Friday off of work- they were very desperate for subs I got called about 6 times and I looked online and about 9 jobs were left unfilled. On one hand I felt bad because I donno what would happen if they couldn't get a sub- most likely the principal would have to step in- On hand two it is the teachers fault for putting in for subs so late and also I never take a day off!! It was Sam's 30th birthday on Saturday- On friday we got a lot of errands done- went to the DMV which only took a few hours- I am upset to say that I could not pass the eye test so now it says on my lisence that I am suppose to wear glasses to drive. I already forgot twice so hopefully I will start remembering. On Friday night we had a party at our apartment. There was a bout 20 people here which is a lot for an apartment. It was a lot of fun- there was 4 girls and the rest were boys and all of the girls there except one were either wives or girlfriends of guys that were there- so no wildhook ups occured. A lot of people got really drunk and then the guys watched ask a ninja ( for hours- and played pool and wheel of death (this game involves spinning an alcohol spinner and taking a shot of whatever it lands on) I didn't really drink because I drove the boys around when they went out to the bar later that night. We went to this mexican resteraunt/bar called the Matador and one of Sam't friends had a Yoda mask that he was wearing that was cracking everyone up. He went up to the bar and ordered a drink wearing the yoda mask and they told him he needed to take it off because of terrorist- I am sorry but when is that last time you saw a terrorist wearing a yoda mask? Saturday we went to a beer tasting at the neighborhood center where Sam's parents live. Sam's dad played music there- he is a really good fiddle and banjo player. Then Sunday my parents came over to Sam's parents house and Sam's brothers and my sibling and we had a brunch for Sam's birthday- then today I just lazed around- Sam had to work and I just went to the grocery store.

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