Sunday, November 25, 2007


I had a nice Thanksgiving break-- I didn't have to work for 4 days and as of now I don't have a job for tomorrow or the next day so I may be getting a 6 day break. I do have jobs lined up for every single day in Decemeber. So, I won't be getting another long break anytime soon. I am subbing for a teacher for 4 days starting Wednesday and she told me that the principal is going to come in and observe me- so that is kind of nerve racking!! But that most likely means that there is a long term job open at that school which would be excellent! I like that school a lot and the people are great! Thanksgiving was nice we went to my parents house and to Sam's dad and stepdads house. On the day after Thanksgiving I went shopping with my mom, sister, and grandma from 5:30am- until about 3:00 or so then Brittany and I (Sam's 16 year old cousin) went and saw Enchanted which was a very cute movie. We had the weirdest people that were sitting around us- I guess that might have been because we saw it at a threatre near the University of Washington and kind of the hippy area. I watched the Seahawks today and they won which was very exciting. My cousin came over because he is having my old car. Sam and I then went to the grocery store and I just cooked and ate dinner. In a little bit I will be watching extreme home make over and amazing race. I am also in the middle of watching a hard fought sonics game.

1 comment:

Bob said...

I hope your principal visit goes well. I'm sure you'll do great. I went to a movie in Marysville the other day and Kyle was like wearing a suit and stuff. So good for him!
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll see you at Christmastime!