Monday, November 19, 2007


So, this weekend Sam and I went to my parents house. We went to watch my brother was one of the leads in the musical South Pacific. My brother did an excellent job but the other male lead his voice sounded like nails down a chalkboard- it was seriously torture. My cousin came from Bellingham to watch as well. I always have fun when I am with him. My brother just bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii and it was a lot of fun. All of the boys started getting really good. I didn't really get any better because that game takes eye hand coordination and rythm- 2 things that I lack. It was still fun even though I am not at all good. One of the songs on that game is the Weezer song "My Name is Jonas" which reminded me Americorps and also reminded of me of how I ruined all of my cds by getting them sandy when we went to the beach. I went to the store today and looked for that cd but the store I went to didn't have it. Last week I subbed in a junior high class all week. On the last day there I went up to the teachers box and took out the students reportcards because I needed to pass them out at the end of the period. As I was taking them out of the box I hear this person yell "Hey, hun what are you doing" Yeah some teacher thought I was a junior high student trying to steal the report cards. I told her otherwise and she apologized. Hello --- 14 years old! I do not look that young! My brother is 18 and I for sure look older than him! Today I had a half day in a 2nd grade class- This class was quite the handful. Some kids decided to make lists of students that they hated in the class- (so rude!) I left the lists for their teacher and I will let her deal with it! Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I am looking forward to that. Every year I help my grandfather carve the turkey- so I will be doing that again this year. My mom, grandma, sister, and I always go shopping the day after Thanksgiving and I am really looking forward to that. Tomorrow I have a full day in a junior high special ed class and Wednesday I have a half day in an elementary special ed class. It is hard to get jobs this week because it is only 3 days and it is conference week - so, teachers can't really miss this week.

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