Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So, yesterday I had a full day junior high special education job. I get there and it ends up being a behavior classroom and the first note on the lesson plans say " This is a behavior classroom be aware and prepared that things might happen in here that you would not expect to happen in a regular classroom." Let me tell you-- many things did happen that were unexpected in there! First off I have heard swearing before but I heared more swearing then I have ever heard in my entire life yesterday in that class and I also heard some words I did not even know exhisted. Another thing is they were all 8th and 9th grade boys - so most of them had atleast 50 lbs and 6 inches more than me. One kid was freaken out because he found out his mom was sending him away to a boarding school- That is a good reason to flip out I guess- but he was screaming and kicking things - another student who later got suspended and had to go home threw a table across the room- this kid also called me a lot of really rude names which I will not repeat- because I was "staring at him" - we were trying to watch a movie and he all the sudden made noises like a chicken or something so I turned around to see what that horrible noise was! The upside was that my friend Jodie was also subbing at that school- so it was nice to have someone to eat lunch with and hang out with afterschool because sometimes the other teachers are not exactly friendly. Sam and TC (jodie's husband) played basketball after work and Jodie and I hung out and got pizza and stuff then the boys came back to their house and we played video games ( wellt he boys did more than the girls) and ate dinner. Today I have a half day special ed job at an elementary- the teacher didn't have anything ready and I had to really hunt for the lesson plans- then since it is the day before a long break none of the teachers sent their students so I pretty much did not much at all! It was quite an easy 66 dollars!

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