Sunday, November 25, 2007


I had a nice Thanksgiving break-- I didn't have to work for 4 days and as of now I don't have a job for tomorrow or the next day so I may be getting a 6 day break. I do have jobs lined up for every single day in Decemeber. So, I won't be getting another long break anytime soon. I am subbing for a teacher for 4 days starting Wednesday and she told me that the principal is going to come in and observe me- so that is kind of nerve racking!! But that most likely means that there is a long term job open at that school which would be excellent! I like that school a lot and the people are great! Thanksgiving was nice we went to my parents house and to Sam's dad and stepdads house. On the day after Thanksgiving I went shopping with my mom, sister, and grandma from 5:30am- until about 3:00 or so then Brittany and I (Sam's 16 year old cousin) went and saw Enchanted which was a very cute movie. We had the weirdest people that were sitting around us- I guess that might have been because we saw it at a threatre near the University of Washington and kind of the hippy area. I watched the Seahawks today and they won which was very exciting. My cousin came over because he is having my old car. Sam and I then went to the grocery store and I just cooked and ate dinner. In a little bit I will be watching extreme home make over and amazing race. I am also in the middle of watching a hard fought sonics game.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So, yesterday I had a full day junior high special education job. I get there and it ends up being a behavior classroom and the first note on the lesson plans say " This is a behavior classroom be aware and prepared that things might happen in here that you would not expect to happen in a regular classroom." Let me tell you-- many things did happen that were unexpected in there! First off I have heard swearing before but I heared more swearing then I have ever heard in my entire life yesterday in that class and I also heard some words I did not even know exhisted. Another thing is they were all 8th and 9th grade boys - so most of them had atleast 50 lbs and 6 inches more than me. One kid was freaken out because he found out his mom was sending him away to a boarding school- That is a good reason to flip out I guess- but he was screaming and kicking things - another student who later got suspended and had to go home threw a table across the room- this kid also called me a lot of really rude names which I will not repeat- because I was "staring at him" - we were trying to watch a movie and he all the sudden made noises like a chicken or something so I turned around to see what that horrible noise was! The upside was that my friend Jodie was also subbing at that school- so it was nice to have someone to eat lunch with and hang out with afterschool because sometimes the other teachers are not exactly friendly. Sam and TC (jodie's husband) played basketball after work and Jodie and I hung out and got pizza and stuff then the boys came back to their house and we played video games ( wellt he boys did more than the girls) and ate dinner. Today I have a half day special ed job at an elementary- the teacher didn't have anything ready and I had to really hunt for the lesson plans- then since it is the day before a long break none of the teachers sent their students so I pretty much did not much at all! It was quite an easy 66 dollars!

Monday, November 19, 2007


So, this weekend Sam and I went to my parents house. We went to watch my brother was one of the leads in the musical South Pacific. My brother did an excellent job but the other male lead his voice sounded like nails down a chalkboard- it was seriously torture. My cousin came from Bellingham to watch as well. I always have fun when I am with him. My brother just bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii and it was a lot of fun. All of the boys started getting really good. I didn't really get any better because that game takes eye hand coordination and rythm- 2 things that I lack. It was still fun even though I am not at all good. One of the songs on that game is the Weezer song "My Name is Jonas" which reminded me Americorps and also reminded of me of how I ruined all of my cds by getting them sandy when we went to the beach. I went to the store today and looked for that cd but the store I went to didn't have it. Last week I subbed in a junior high class all week. On the last day there I went up to the teachers box and took out the students reportcards because I needed to pass them out at the end of the period. As I was taking them out of the box I hear this person yell "Hey, hun what are you doing" Yeah some teacher thought I was a junior high student trying to steal the report cards. I told her otherwise and she apologized. Hello --- 14 years old! I do not look that young! My brother is 18 and I for sure look older than him! Today I had a half day in a 2nd grade class- This class was quite the handful. Some kids decided to make lists of students that they hated in the class- (so rude!) I left the lists for their teacher and I will let her deal with it! Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I am looking forward to that. Every year I help my grandfather carve the turkey- so I will be doing that again this year. My mom, grandma, sister, and I always go shopping the day after Thanksgiving and I am really looking forward to that. Tomorrow I have a full day in a junior high special ed class and Wednesday I have a half day in an elementary special ed class. It is hard to get jobs this week because it is only 3 days and it is conference week - so, teachers can't really miss this week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Monks can't swim!

So we went to Sam's grandma's memorial yesterday afternoon- it was nice it was on a boat and "the monk" was there. He had prayed for over 90 days on this rice- he said a new prayer on every each grain (talk about taking a lot of time- there was like 2 cups of rice there atleast) Then he went down onto the swim ramp of the boat and he threw all the rice into lake washington and also said a really long like 20 mintute prayer. I was really scared cause the man is super old and he is hanging over this tiny little swim deck and he has no idea how to swim. The only thing I could think of was - I hope I don't have to safe a drowning monk today- and it probably would have been me that would have had to do it because between all of the people that were close I am the best swimmer - luckily I did not have to save a drowning monk and he made it back into the boat safely. Another thing from yesterday that happened at school that was kind of funny and kind of scary was: The classroom I am in is in the old part of the school (I think it was probably built in the 80's - so it is not super old or anything) All day long the door knobs to my door had been falling off (both the inside and the outside) Well, it was no big deal for most of the day because it would just fall off and then we would put it right back on. The problem occured when one of the students left the classroom with the door knob. So I was trapped inside the class with a few students with no way to open the door- and also the door knob was off the otherside of the door. Luckily, just as I was about to crawl out a window- one of my good students found one of the door knobs that a "naughty" student had thrown in the locker bay and he put the knob on and let us out. For the next few hours I insisted that a huge chair block the doorway so that I would know if anyone was trying to shut the door on me. A little bit later the janiter came in and fixed the door. Let me tell you that was scary to be locked in a classroom with an 8th grade health class even if it was just for a couple of minutes.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monks and boats

So this whole week I am in a junior high school teaching 7th grade reading/social studies and 8th grade health. One of the block classes loves me and the other one pretty much hates me- oh well atleast one likes me. I make them do work and I don't let them turn in work that is not quality so they get mad at me for it. The teacher I am subbing for - his wife is having some sort of tooth surgery so that is why he is gone for the entire week.

Right now I have a break from 10:20-12:25 so yeah I am bored!
This afternoon Sam and I are going on a huge boat for his grandma's memorial. I never met the woman- but we going out with the rest of that side of his family to dump her ashes into Lake Washington. I am prepared for crazy things to happen. Sam has one aunt that is um quite a character to say the least. She brought a Tibetian Monk with her to our wedding and then she kept trying to get my mom and her friends to dance with the monk. She also kept pestering my sister, cousin, and friends to dance with her son (who had brought his girlfriend to the wedding). Finally my cousin gave in and right when the dance was about to start- darn she had to go home . Also his aunt told a bunch of people that the tibetian monk was her ex husband- seriously this guy was like 85 or 90 years old and he was wearing a yellow/ golden dress. I donno if the marriage thing is true but it is still weird. His aunt is in a singles boating club and that is how they got hooked up with this boat today I guess. So I would not be suprised if when we get there it is full of tibetian monks. Also this boat apparently has 2 huge bedrooms and a beauty salon- I donno I don't really understand but I will report back to you about what it was like tomorrow. Now I think I will go back to reading my book. I am reading The Subtle Knife- which is excellent it is the 2nd book in the series the first one was The Golden Compass- which is going to be coming out as a movie in December. I have the 3rd book at home (The Amber Spyglass) as soon as I finish this 2nd one I will start it and I can't wait!

Monday, November 12, 2007

What a good long weekend

I took Friday off of work- they were very desperate for subs I got called about 6 times and I looked online and about 9 jobs were left unfilled. On one hand I felt bad because I donno what would happen if they couldn't get a sub- most likely the principal would have to step in- On hand two it is the teachers fault for putting in for subs so late and also I never take a day off!! It was Sam's 30th birthday on Saturday- On friday we got a lot of errands done- went to the DMV which only took a few hours- I am upset to say that I could not pass the eye test so now it says on my lisence that I am suppose to wear glasses to drive. I already forgot twice so hopefully I will start remembering. On Friday night we had a party at our apartment. There was a bout 20 people here which is a lot for an apartment. It was a lot of fun- there was 4 girls and the rest were boys and all of the girls there except one were either wives or girlfriends of guys that were there- so no wildhook ups occured. A lot of people got really drunk and then the guys watched ask a ninja ( for hours- and played pool and wheel of death (this game involves spinning an alcohol spinner and taking a shot of whatever it lands on) I didn't really drink because I drove the boys around when they went out to the bar later that night. We went to this mexican resteraunt/bar called the Matador and one of Sam't friends had a Yoda mask that he was wearing that was cracking everyone up. He went up to the bar and ordered a drink wearing the yoda mask and they told him he needed to take it off because of terrorist- I am sorry but when is that last time you saw a terrorist wearing a yoda mask? Saturday we went to a beer tasting at the neighborhood center where Sam's parents live. Sam's dad played music there- he is a really good fiddle and banjo player. Then Sunday my parents came over to Sam's parents house and Sam's brothers and my sibling and we had a brunch for Sam's birthday- then today I just lazed around- Sam had to work and I just went to the grocery store.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Story so far...

So, tomorrow I am going to take a day off of work- I took a day off on Tuesday as well- These are the only days I have had off all year! Sam's birthday is on Saturday- so, We are having a party for him at our apartment tomorrow evening. I spent Thursday getting a lot of stuff done that I had been putting off for a while now. I drove into Bellevue and bought Sam his birthday present. Then, I got my ring cleaned and examined (it had been 7 months and you're suppose to get it done every six) I also am officially Amy Marie Hart now because I changed my last name at the social security office. I most likely will spend most of tomorrow making cupcakes and decorating for the party as well as finally getting my lisence changed - since we moved way more than 10 days ago and you're suppose to change it within 10 days of moving. Next week I think I will be taking a 8th grade health 7th grade literature/social studies job. I subbed there yesterday things went pretty well. I did learn that 7th graders have no idea how to do a presentation they also have no clue about what looks good or works well in a powerpoint presentation. This one kid had a bright green with rainbow stripes background with yellow words so it was unreadable- on top of that he had all of his picture spin in for about 10 seconds each - it looked like the head on the movie poltergise. Then he has lous obnoxious music fade in and out of the thing- I said " Make sure the background and colors are not too distracting" He replies with oh don't worry mine isn't distracting at all!! I will be there Tuesday to see presentations which should be interesting. They are trying really hard they are just completely clueless. Last weekend Sam and I went to a Brandi Carlile concert which was excellent. For her closing number she sang Halleluia - which totally reminded me of Nate and Americorps. It sounded really great though -I almost caught myself crying I donno why- I guess I sort of miss some aspects of Americorps- notice how I wrote "Some aspects" I don't really miss sharing a trashy trailer with 20 people, I don't really miss ice cold showers, and I don't really miss cockroaches (palmetto bugs) but I do miss the excitement of doing new things every day and I do kind of miss having a lot of people around- so that you're never board. Oh yah and I don't miss being attacked by huge dogs while stuck up against a glass door or crazy woman giving us bottles of olive oil- well atleast it was exciting I guess! Alright time to leave school. I had Kindergarten today and it was a blast! I got to get on all fours and act like a dog and sing I am a pizza it was fun!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Blog number one

So, I am going to start a blog- this is a decision that I have made because most of my friends don't live near me anymore now that I got married and moved to the "Big City" okay I guess that there are not many places smaller than Arlington! (well it is getting a lot bigger than it used to be - but that is indeed a different story)

So, my assignment today is 1rst grade - I have never been to this school before but it has the same exact floor plans as a different school in this district so I feel familar with this school although I have never been here before. The class I have is made up of 22 children. This morning a lot of different students are pulled out for various reasons and I only had about 9 kids pretty much until lunchtime- which was quite nice. The only thing odd that has happened today is that there is this one kid that smells horribly of urine- I asked him if he had an accident but he repeatively tells me no! Oh well atleast he didn't pee on the classroom floor or bite a teacher- both of those things happened in a class I was in a few weeks ago and they were both done by a 4th grader - which I thought fourth graders knew better but I guess not! I have learned to wear long sleeves if you ever are assigned to a special education or ED/BD class because who knows what might happen to you in there! This weekend I am planning on relaxing a lot! It is my husband's birthday next weekend and I am still in the process of trying to figure out what to get him for a present.