Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well since it has been almost 2 months since my last post I decided to post one. I have not had too much excitement substituting lately-- But on Monday I did have a kid squirt a bunch of hand santatizer into the drinking fountain (he took off the metal handle and then squirted it into the the plastic area)- Then the same kid gave me a note that said "you have a big butt" (this kid is in first grade) I am not sure if the note was intended for me because I said what was that you just put in your desk and then he handed it to me- but none the less that is mean! The kids have such bad behavior because it is the middle of June and they are still stuck in school! It is almost worthless to even try to teach anything because they are so zoned out. I told the kids today they wouldn't get there yearbooks if they kept blurting out and not following directions- that shut them up pretty good and after I said that they had pretty decent behavior.

On Tuesday I went to my brother's high school graduation. It was kind of sad to see him graduate because in my eyes he is still a little kid. He is planning on going to a community college near my apartment and most likely living with Sam and I. Also he will find out soon if he got into this prestious choir... and will also find out if he got a scholarship as well. He already got a little over a thousand dollars in scholarships so that is better than nothing. I had way better grades then him and I got a lot less scholarships then he did. I guess people tend to give you more scholarships if they know who you are (that was not my goal of high school at all) and my brother is pretty hard to miss. (He thinks he is Mr. Funny and about 60% of the time I agree) Also my sister and my cousin are graduating from college this coming weekend. These pass two summers have been so loaded with things. Last year I graduated and got married and now this summer my sister and brother are going to college and my brother is moving out. (My is still living at home even though she is 25!) The weekend after next I am going to be in my best friend's wedding- so that should be fun. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I am pretty much very much ready for summer. I am still in the process of finding a summer job. I had an interview at a math tutoring center and they told me I had the job I just needed to take a math test first. I took the math test and it has been over a week and I have not heard back-- so I am guessing I failed that math test!! It was 5 pages long and took me 2 hours. It had things on it that I had not done since elementary school. - oh well a summer full of math is not my dream anyways! I should be hearing from a summer program that deals with homeless and low income children soon. They called me yesterday for an interview but I wanted the other location so that location should be getting back to me soon. Well there is your update! Sam had his championship basketball game tonight at 9pm against a team of 50- 60 year olds (they have lost to them twice already) They lost by like 30 points last time to these old guys!! I think it is funny but him team finds it embarassing. I will have to say those old dudes can shoot like nobody's business- everything they shoot goes in! Also last week we signed up for Golds. I like to take the classes. I took Yoga last Wednesday and it went well and I liked it a lot. Saturday I took Step Class. The only spot was in the front row--- I accidently fell off the step machine and the whole thing came apart with a loud crash and the entire class stared at me. The teacher told me to give it 3 classes and she said I did well ( I think that was a pity compliment) It was a lot of fun and I got a great workout-- so I think I will keep doing it even if I look like an idiot doing it. Oh yeah and most of the class is like 50 and way way better than me! I have a hard time moving my arms and legs at the same time. I bet watching me is pretty much like watching the charelson video ( you know what I mean if your one of the lucky ones that saw it!) Oh yah then I had yoga again last night and we had a substitute teacher. She was a weird one. She kept saying things like "Your body is a miracle" and " paint a rainbow with your heart... watch the colors explode" and also she had us dedicate our class to someone and at the end we had to send it off to that person. If you want me to dedicate a yoga class to you just leave me a comment and I will be sure to do that!

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