Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tonight Sam and I are going to the (maybe) last sonics game ever played in Seattle. They probably won't win-- but last time I went to the game they did beat the Cavs- so I guess miracles do occur. Yesterday Sam and I went to his parents house and Sam worked on his stereo. It was 80 degrees outside which is insane especially because it snowed here a little over a week ago. Today the weather is back to its normal 50 degrees so it was such a treat for it to be nuce out yesterday. I spent the day reading outside on the porch. This resulted in one my shoulders being completely fried and the other one is still white as ever. We met up with some of our friends and went to Red Robin for dinner. Then we talked our friends into buying rock band and we went over the their house and played for a few hours. I really like that game a lot and everytime I play I get better (that is on the guitar--- my singing pretty much is destined to stay the same out of tune sound) Although the game likes my voice because I hardly ever fail singing and I usually play on medium. I slept this morning until 11am which is pretty much my standard time for waking up if I have a choice. The only thing I have done today is read (a new book since I finished my other book yesterday and I also did laundry and helped clean our apartment. Our dish washer broke so we spent a great deal of time doing the dishes- me washing and Sam drying. Hopefully the sonics with actually win tonight that would be a nice way to end it all. I am driving back to Arlington to teach kindergarteners once again-- which is usually a lot of fun but does indeed test my patience.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have fun at the game tonight!
