Thursday, April 10, 2008

I know it has been forever

Back by popular demand-- I will now post a blog. So, here is an update of what I have been up to recently. As most of/ all of you know I have a long term sub job for my best friend teaching kindergarten. I started that at the beginning of March and I have about 2 weeks left. I would have to say that she has quite a difficult class. The plus side of this is that I am gaining a lot of great experience practicing my behavior management skills. The downside of this is that it is hard to get a lot done when you spend so much time dealing with behavior. Don't get me wrong most of her class is great and they are really nice kids but there are a few that really push my buttons. Overall I have a lot of fun coming up with creative ideas for projects but at times I become quite impatient with some of the students behavior. I love the creative freedom you have with kindergarten but I think that I might be a better teacher for older grades (2nd or 3rd) I subbed in a 2nd grade class a few days ago. It was so nice to be able to turn my back for like 1 minute and not be scared that the whole class was going to fall apart. So, pretty much kindergarteners are very needy- but they are pretty much all 5 so I don't blame them or anything... I donno I am unsure about wanting to teaching kindy in the future. So other than subbing I have not really been doing a lot. I have been getting a chance to hang out with my friends and family a lot more because I am in Arlington 3 days a week now. I have been helping my brother with his senior project. He is dedecorating my sister's old room. So far we have got all of the wall paperoff and he have primed and painted the room. My brother and I also (mostly just my brother) completed one of the sections of the mural. He is going to paint a few walls with music/ movie images. So far we are done with an image of Shawn Connory (as James Bond) and a oo7 logo. It has turned out really well so far and really does look like him. Last night I came back to my apartment and then Sam and I went to his basketball game which started at 8:30pm. Sam's team pretty much got creamed. The other team seemed to make just about every shot they took. With about 10 minutes left in the game Sam got elbowed in the nose. He got a large gouge on his nose and it was gushing blood every where. It was so bad that he it looked like it needed stitches. So Sam being who he is decided to tape it up and play the rest of the game. It was so bad it was like seeping through the tape. So after the game I took him to the ER and we waited only an hour an a half which is pretty short for the ER. They steristripped his nose (taped it closed) and told him he would have a nice scar. So then we finnaly got home at midnight. We watched part of American Idol Gives Back (which we had taped) and then went to bed, I decided not to take a job today because I was so tired and Sam has today off too. So now in a little bit we ae going to the craft store because Sam needs to buy some fabric glue so that he can work on the box for his sound system he is building for his car. Oh and I am waiting to hear back because there is a possibility that Kati and I might be able to go to Lousianna for a week for free to work with Habitat for Humanity to build houses for Jimmy Carter weekend and Jimmy Carter will even be there. I will update this once I found out if we get to go or not.

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