Monday, February 4, 2008

What is up

So, today I subbing for a music teacher. The thing about music teachers is that they don't trust subs to sing songs or do musical things with their students. In my case that works out well since I can hardly carry a tune. But it also makes the job pretty boring because they assign you to do things like have them play musical instrument bingo and watch movies- (ones I have seen a million times (those Disney Sing a long song movies from the early 90's). Also you only have each class for 30 minutes so if they are annoying they are gone fairly quickly. Right now I am just wasting time because one of the teachers came in and asked if her kids could not come today because they are working on a project in their class. So I have a 1/2 break and then one class and then a 1 hour 15 minute break.... Also my last class is at 2:42 and school gets out at 3:15 --so basically I am getting paid today to not do much at all. I did teach the 6th and 5th graders "Big Kid" I mistakenly told the first group to play it as Big Birdy but told them some people call it big booty- so they all kept saying that and I kept correcting them so they wouldn't get me in trouble! Anyways some of the kids really got into that so that was cool the downside is they also cannot carry tunes and they totally were playing the game wrong and I was trying my hardest not to correct them! So, I have not written in a while so I will now go into what I did this weekend. On Friday I was suppose to go and watch my brother's choir sing in Bellevue but Sam made other plans and I did not want to go by myself so I went over and hung out with Jodie at her house. On Friday the boys played a basketball game and Jodie and I went and saw "How She Move" which I thought was a good movie. The plot was perdictable and not great but, the dancing was amazing. Sunday we went over the TC and Jodie's and watched the Superbowl and ate a ton of junk food. The game was really good I thought and I was glad that Eli Manning's team won! - Now it is fair both brothers have now won a Super Bowl. I have been playing my DS a lot I wish I would have brought it in my purse today so that I could play during all this free time! I need to find some new websites to visit when I am bored because I am getting tired of all of my old normal ones. I can't wait for the weekend because I feel like I really need sleep (I know it is only Monday!)

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