Sunday, February 24, 2008


This past week I only had to work 2 days: which was so nice! I was in a class that I love and have so much fun with... I also will be there tomorrow as well! I don't yet have jobs set up for Tuesday or Friday but I am sure something will come up. Soon I will be taking a long term job in a Kindergarten but will still be subbing in various classes 2-3 days a week. I am nervous about the Kindergarten class but I am sure I will survive. This weekend on Friday I was so tired that Sam and I went out to dinner and then got home at about 9:30 and I fell straight asleep.. I first fell asleep on the couch and barely made it into bed. Saturday I went to Sam's basketball game- his team lost by 1 point! Then we went to a potlach dinner and a friend of his mom's house. Then we went to a friends house and played this crazy game. The game is called Quelf (or something close to that) every card has a different rule and I ended up #1( having to act of a touch down dance that had to include shaking the junk in my trunk) #2 acting like Santa Clause and anyone who sat on my lap got to move an extra space and also tell me what they wanted for Christmas #3 touch raw eggs and then yell out "All Hail to the Chinese Cheeseburger"--- yeah it was a weird game but it was a lot of fun! Then today Sam had another baketball game but I stayed home and cleaned up some of my messes and just relaxed.. then we went to Subway for lunch and I tried to buy some grocerys at QFC but they were sold out/ Didn't carry the three things I went in there for: Bluberries, Chaos (this chip mix), and ripe avacados. So... tomorrow after school I will have to stop by again because they said they should have the blueberries and ripe avacados. Right now I am watching TV (we don't have cable anymore because we are saving 60 dollars a month to only get the basic channels) That money is supposed to be used on a gym membership but we haven't gotten that yet and I don't really fore see that happening anytime soon- but maybe!

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