Friday, February 15, 2008


I am so excited because we get Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off of next week! I Feel like I really need this! I had a full day everyday this week. I classes were all good but I feel like most days were pretty involved so I was busy the entire time with stuff to do. Yesterday I subbed for a friend and her class was great, but it was Valentines Day and I was there for the party so that part was chatotic I told all of the kids only three peices of candy each but some of the peices were huge! Also, they had cupcakes and juice and one of the candies that was brought in was a giant bottle of colored sugar--- so yes, they were so hyped up! This class today is really calm here is why: 4 kids were absent and now 5 more have left early (because of the mid winter break they are leaving early for vacations) So I am down to about 15 students! Plus they are 5th graders so they are really self sufficiant and the most obnoxious one just went home!! For Valentines Day Sam got me a hot pink I-Pod Nano.. I have been wanting an I-Pod for a while now but I have no idea how to use the thing. We went out to dinner to his Mexican Place that is not very fancy but tastes really good. We went to the theatre to go see the movie Step Up 2 but we would have had to wait around for a few hours for the next one- so we just went home and watched Deal or No Deal. I think that we are going to Bellingham for a day or 2 during break. I have not been there since June when I graduated from college. We are going to our favorite resteraunt Lemongrass and then he is visiting a friend- We are going to my parents on the way home. Also I think that the dresses for my friedns weddign will be in so I am going to try that on and hopefully the thing will fit so we won't have to mess with reordering or making modifications to it!

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