Wednesday, December 5, 2007

So, today I am subbing at my favorite school to sub at because the people are so nice and I know a lot of the kids. In this particular 4th grade class I know about 75 percent of the students and this is my first time being in this class. Yesterday I was in a 6th grade class. I knew I was going to have my hands full before I even met the kids. The paper said watch out for (then listed 9 students names - they tend to get out of control) There was only 22 students in the class and one was absent - so nearly half the classes name was on the list of " Bad behavior"- Overall I had no major problems and this morning the teacher called me to thank me and told me that she heard that her kids actualy were good for me and that it was almost a miracle. It is nice when teachers actually appreciate you! This weekend I am gonig to my friend's wedding. I still have not gotten her a present so I will have to do that soon. Next weekend we have two parties to go to- one at my aunts for a gift exchange game and on Friday we are going to a white elephant party at one of Sam's coworkers houses. Tomorrow and Friday I have a 2 day job teaching Drama at an Elm school. I have been to the school before and seen the teacher in action. She wears a like Hannah Montana head set and dances around and sings and says to the kids act like you are the wind- I like to act like an idiot in front of kids so it should be fun! The class is heard on the stage in the lunchroom so every person that enters the school gets to see you- so that is the downside. I don't mind acting like that in front of kids but I prefer to seem sane in front of other adults. This weekend Sam and I went to the store and picked out some toys to give to toys for tots. We also went to the grocery store and bought a whole bunch of food to give to the food bank. It feels really nice to give to others. I feel like I have everything I could ever want/need right now and I know a lot of people do not have it as good as I do. This huge storm we just had made me decide that we need to get renters insurance. So many people lost things in this past storm so I think it is important that we have insurance to cover our stuff.


J-Rae said...

Remember we have 3 families at church this year....

.:kj:. said...

Hey Amy! My roommate is subbing too, and I enjoy hearing her stories too. Hope you're doing well!