Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It is Freezing!!

It has been so cold lately. It started snowing Saturday night and then by Sunday we had 5+ inches and then it started to melt and now we still have about 2 inches. We are suppose to get more tonight and then 4 or more tomorrow during the day. Yesterday I didn't take a job because I couldn't find one in my home district and there is like no snow in the other district that I sub in so it is not a good indicator if I should drive or not! Plus in the other district that I sub in even if it late arrival teachers have to come on time- which is bogus because if one kid is missing then school goes on but if the teacher is missing then there is a problem. I would think the number one priority would be for the teacher to be safe but I guess not! This morning I had a job in my home district and I have not subbed there often so I was not sure about their policy. At about 7 the secretary called and said school is two hours late so you don't need to come until 9:45 (which is 2 hours later than normal)-- It was great I went back to sleep! It is suppose to snow a lot the next few days and it seems like we may not have school for the rest of the week!! That would be cool to start winter break early.. but on the other hand it is nice to make money. Right now it is about 23 degrees and it was 19 degrees at 10:00 this morning. My kids today (7th grade) were very hyper and they just want to be done. I just have a few people to buy presents for still and I have a few presents that I will be making. We put up our tree a few days ago-- it keeps falling half way over though so it is crooked. Afte school I am dropping some diapers and formula off at the food band because they really need it.

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