Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I have three stories to share that have happened recently and I have 7 minutes to share- so I will make this quick

Story 1 TINA

so, I am subbing for a special ed teacher and she tells me this about Tina " she has one behavior goal and you will meet with her for 10 minutes." So I am thinking this will be quick we will do the paper and be done-- that is not exactly what happened. So I walk in and Tina is reading a book so here is the convorsation that went on

Me "Tina put that book away it is time to start class"
Tina --- ignores me
Me "Tina put that book away"
Tina-- ignores me
Me "Tina is you don't put the book away I am going to take it away and I won't give it back until the end of class"
Tina- "Fine I will give it to you........ when pigs fly"
Me- Snatches the book out of her hand
Tina -screaming bloody murder "You're a theif- You're a theif" We were in a tiny office right next to the regular office and right next to a ton of class rooms
Me- Puts book on my lap and starts lesson
Tina- does lesson without complaining
Me (lesson is over) "Next time what are you going to do when you want to read and it is time for a lesson"
Tina " I will give you my book.... then I will pass out"
Me " You got half right yes you will give me the book"
Tina " And then I will faint and you are too a theif I saw you...."
Me " you have never seen me before"
Tina " I once saw you steal a cookie- you did you are a theif"
Then her para came in and took her to her regular class

So overall I guess I am a thief and I still cookies in my spare time (although I don't even like cookies"

Story 2 Poop Boy

I walk into this first grade class that I visit often- I had a few spare minutes so I come in to see if the teacher needs copies made or anything. The minute I walk in this little boy walks up to me. The teacher is in front of the class teaching a whole group lesson. I have poop on my shoe he says. So I get a wet wipe and clean his shoe- then we go back to his desk for him to sit down. There is dog poop smeared all over his chair, all over his desk, ground into the carpet under his desk, smeared on the underneath part of his desk. So it was so discusting I had to get wet wipes and clean it all up. Then just as I think the job is done he comes up to me again and shows nme how it is all over his pants. I was done with this nastyness. It smelled so bad I wanted to puke. I walked him down to the office and made his mom come and bring him new pants.

Story 3
I was so tired this morning. I was so tired I thought of canceling work- but I couldn't because I had promised this teacher that I would come in and take her class so she could test. So then decide to turn on the TV just to make sure that we had to go to school on time (because there was a small amount of snow on the ground) turns out we had 2 hour late start and I got to go back to sleep for 2 hours! That was very exciting!!

That's all for now-

Thursday, January 10, 2008